New Hanover County NC COVID-19 Update

New Hanover County has recently updated their COVID-19 Mask Policy and it is effective on August 20,2021 at 5 p.m.  Their website shared a press release outlining the information and it can be found here.  They are required to allow a 10-day public comment period, and we recommend you share your opinion with them.  We are, as a business, however, required to follow the rules.  

We are in unprecedented times.  We must all remain vigilant to do our part.  The current CDC recommendations are:

  1.  Get Vacinnated. Here in New Hanover County, there are many places offering free vaccinations.  See the list here.  

  2. Social distancing.  6 feet.  

  3. Wash your hands. 

  4. Avoid Crowds.  When possible.  If it’s not possible.  See above. 

  5. Clean and disinfect your home.

  6. Stay home when you are sick. 

  7. Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow.

  8. Be vigilant. 

We recognize that it’s hot.  It’s inconvenient. And while all of us at Port City Paint have been vaccinated, we are required by law to wear masks that cover our noses and mouths until and unless the rules are changed or lifted.  We apologize for the inconvenience and truly appreciate your patience and cooperation with us during these difficult times. 

Thank you so much. 


Common Problem:  Fading on Exterior Paint


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